Stellar Gardens is a landscaping architect firm specializing in urban landscapes for interior and exterior spaces in NYC.
New York
Figma, Adobe CS
Forging a brand identity that embodies precision and elegance was paramount for this new company. Landscaping businesses generally have the same colors and theme. They use greens, yellows and other earth tones. Most of these businesses are targeting residential customers who just want their lawns maintained. Stellar Gardens is targeting higher-end commercial and residential customers who want to transform their indoor and outdoor spaces with plants.
For Stellar Gardens, it was crucial for the logo to visually connect with the landscaping industry, but also separate themselves as a platinum service. We used star-like imagery, a royal, classy navy blue, and a horizontally spaced serif font to give the brand an elegant presence. The straight lines, symmetry, and minimal colors allude to an experienced and precise execution of each landscape design project.